Appendix 6: Sample Military Orders

Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7

Village names are omitted from these orders for security reasons.
Copies of the original orders follow the translations

1. Paddy cultivation
2. Provision of food to army
3. Porter duty upon failure to fulfill paddy quota
4. Instruction to send porters
5. Order for dam construction
6. Order to relocate
7. Conscription to a militia
8. Threat to lay landmines

Return to Top 1. Paddy cultivation Next Original order

(deleted) Village
Date: 14/8/1998
Subject: Invitation to meeting

Regarding the above, we want to discuss the agricultural cultivation situation with you, so everyone must come to the following meeting.

(To: pay back left over loans given for crops)

Date: 16/8/1998
Time: 8:30 am
Place: Kyaing Ton Village

Village Peace and Development Council
Tisekha Village, Loikaw Township

Note: You must bring a list of people in each house, whether they are under or over 18 years of age, male or female.

Return to Top 2. Provision of food to army Next Original order

Training Camp No.1 (Phayapyu)
Sa Ka Kha (Department of Operations Management) #7

To: Headman

.................(deleted) Village,

Send a
viss of chicken and 2 viss of chilies on 9/8/1998 at 6 a.m.
If these things do not arrive, you will be held responsible.

Camp Commander

Return to Top 3. Porter duty upon failure to fulfill paddy quota Next Original order

(Seal) ..........................................................................Frontline No. 48 Light
Infantry Battalion
...............................................Mone Area, Kyauk Kyi Town
...........................................................................Letter No.48/1000/(deleted)
...............................................................................Date: 1997, December 30

To: Chairman
......Peace and Development Council
......(deleted) Village/Tract

Subject: Notification that those unable to fulfill the paddy quota will be employed as Kyauk Kyi military operations servants

Reference: Frontline No.48 Light Infantry Battalion, 1997, Dec. 18, No.48/1000/(deleted)

  1. Regarding the above matter, despite our directive that paddy farmers give 3 baskets of paddy per acre by not later than 31 December 1997, we have determined that to this date (deleted) Tract has contributed only 481/16 baskets and have yet to give 586/30 baskets.
  2. Therefore, those paddy farmers unable to fulfill their paddy quota contributions will be arrested and sent to the Kyauk Kyi military operations servants unit. The Tract Chairman and Secretary are instructed to draw up a register of all those farmers unable to fulfill the paddy quota and come personally to submit it to the Column Commander, Mone Camp, not later than 1 p.m., 3/1/98.

Column Commander
No. 2 Column
Mone Army Camp

Return to Top 4. Instruction to send porters Next Original order

(Seal)..........................................................................Township Security and
............................................................... Administrative Support Committee,
............................................................................................Kyauk Kyi Town
.... IMPORTANT ..................................... .Letter No.(deleted)/2/1-
..................................................................................................25/La Sa Hta
..... ..............................................................Date: 1998, January 10

......(deleted) Village Tract
......Kyauk Kyi Township

Subject: The matter of sending military operations servants
Reference: Ya Ta Hka La Ya #48, 98 Jan 10, Cheinmo Ka Na Hka Ya

  1. Regarding the above matter, in relation to the provision of military operations servants, the Village Tract Head must arrange for the sending of four military operations servants as outlined below, without fail.

Date: 12/1/98
Time: 10 a.m.
Place: Kyauk Kyi Police Station

Note: The VPDC (Village Peace and Development Council) will be held responsible for failure to comply, lateness in compliance or under-provision.

Monetary compensation will (absolutely) not be accepted.

Joint Secretary
Security and Administrative Support Committee
Kyauk Kyi Township

Return to Top 5. Order for dam construction Next Original order

..................................................................................................Date: 31/5/96

The matter of voluntary labor contribution to construct a dam
(deleted) Village

Ten people must come with tools for voluntary labor contribution on Kyone Doe Dam. Bring mosquito nets. Bring 3 days rations.
The voluntary labor force must present themselves for inspection.
Arrive on 1/6/96 at South Kamayeit Camp, report to the Camp Commander at 10 a.m. as notified.

South Kamayeit Camp

Return to Top 6. Order to relocate Next Original order

Front Line Light Infantry Battalion No. (104)
Pah Klu village
Ref. No. 104 /02 /Oo 1
Date: 1998 August

To: Chairman
(deleted) village

Subject: Order to vacate issued to villages.

  1. An order has been issued to (deleted) village to vacate the place and move to Kwih Lay village or to any other place where the villagers have relatives, at the latest by 10th September 1998.
  2. After the date of issue of this order, it is warned that the Army will go around clearing the area and should any village or small huts in the paddy fields be found still standing, they will all be dismantled and destroyed.

(for) Battalion Commander
Front line, Light Infantry Battalion No.104

Source: Karen Human Rights Group, Uncertainty, Fear and Flight: The Current Human Rights Situation in Eastern Pa’an District, 18 November 1998, p. 9.

Return to Top 7. Conscription to a militia Next Original order

DKBA Brigade 999 Special

Ba Ma/0169 Lt. Col. Chit Thu
Date: 14/3/99


Here is a written notification. It is the matter of new recruits and notification that you must send them without delay. All other regions and villages have sent their recruits. Send them or face the consequences.

.No.999 Brigade
.Special Battalion Co. 2

Return to Top 8. Threat to lay landmines Next Original order

DKBA Brigade 999 Special
Ba Ma/0169 Lt. Col. Chit Thu

Karen Buddhist Army
Number 999 Brigade
Letter Number: 999/Ah Hta
Ta Ya-01/002
Date: 2/2/99

(deleted) Tract/Village
Subject: Notification

As has come to light, tracts, elders and villagers of Mehpletdoe region have all heard KNU’s notice that it will plant land mines 4 1/2 feet from the edges of roads to be set off by its enemies. While we don’t intend to further increase the problems of the people and villagers, [nonetheless] as the KNU is doing, we also hereby inform our village parents, brothers and sisters that we will also start to do the same thing. We have great love for you all. We cannot protect you all.

Note: (1) We will start to lay mines and ambush as of 20/2/99.
Whatever place/village we enter, absolutely don’t run away.
We won’t accept responsibility for anyone who runs.

(signed: Chit Thu)
Battalion Commander
Special Battalion
Number 999 Brigade

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